Sunday, August 31, 2008


I find it very strange that a black man is so close to winning the white house and we haven’t heard anything from the Klan. You would think that they would have some type of protest or make some type of statement; however we haven’t heard a word. Which makes me believe that John McCain may be a Klan member? I believe that the Klan is keeping quiet because they know that it will cost him the election. If you look at his tactics they are similar to the ones that they Klan use. He first accuse Mr. Obama of being a Muslim and now the Anti-Christ this are the same type of tactics that the Klan used to make white America fear Martin Luther King. You can also look that the fact that he feels more comfortable in town meeting settings. Not to mention the fact that he was against the Martin Luther King holiday and he hired a white supremacist to work on his campaign. He changed his views on the confederate flag from,” the flag is offensive and a symbol of racism and slavery to personally I see the fag as a symbol of heritage”. He also voted against any attempts to bring about the end to Apartheid in Africa six times. America does not need a racist in the white house.Go to this website to read more on how John McCain loves black people.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Why are people so ready to condemn anyone that changes their views on anything? You must realize that even politicians have the right to change their views when given more information about a subject. We complain that our elected officials do not listen to our needs, but when we have one that listen and changes his or her view because he wants to give the people what they want he is criticized for being wishy-washy. We need a President that has the power to change his mind.